Evangelism + Missions
We envision our Tabernacle family actively engaged in sharing with others the good news of the love and forgiveness that is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and in taking this good news to our community and the world.
Relevant Bible Teaching
We envision people at every age level that will measure and weigh each and every issue and decision of life with the Truth of God’s Word.
God's Empowering Presence
We envision a people that are contagious with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, consumed with His presence, and empowered to live a victorious Christian life.
Equipping For Gift-Oriented Ministry
We envision a people who know who they are in Christ and take the opportunity to serve the body of Christ through the spiritual gifts and passions that God has placed within them.
A Multicultural Congregation
We envision the Tabernacle Church becoming a multicultural congregation where people of all generations, races, and ethnicities will desire to make the Tabernacle their church home.
Developing Followers Of Jesus
We envision a church that trains and disciples its people in spiritual disciplines that integrate biblical principles and values in daily living, in developing servant leadership, and in reproducing other servant-leaders.
Life-Changing Prayer
We envision a people who are convinced of the power of prayer to impact and alter people’s physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual needs.
Spirit-Filled Worship
We envision a church that is known for engaging in intimate, passionate worship, during which worshipers continually pursue the presence of God to the degree that His presence is spiritually and physically sensed, and lives are transformed.
Community Of Loving + Caring Relationships
We envision a people that, through small group interaction, are intentional in their efforts to build loving, caring relationships within families, between members, and the community they serve.
A Commitment To Accountability + Integrity
We envision a church in which staff and members maintain a standard of excellence, spiritually and morally, in our relationships within and outside the Tabernacle family. The integrity of our character as leaders and members of the Tabernacle is crucial to building a healthy church. We are committed to personal and financial integrity and to practice personal and corporate accountability.